Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Tuesday Morning News and Notes

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Still raining and has been for what seems a week. I'm going to build an ark.

Here's what's new:

-The Most Eloquent President of All Time is not.

-Are the Dems suffering buyers remorse on Specter. Let's hope so.

-DENIED! Living in a world of Obamatons.

-I was wondering when they would deal with particular brand of pond scum. We've all gotten the call.

-Murtha is 10 times more corrupt then any Republican could dream to be. Every day brings a new allegation of how brazen this guy was with our money.

-Ryan Howard (pictured) hit his league-leading second grand slam of the young season and Phillies record tying 7th af his career last night. Some guys never get one in a career, Howard has two in less than two weeks. Nothing like some of Mamas home town cookin'.

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