Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Another Conservative Woman gets Trashed by Media

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She was asked a question by a mutant, gay radical about same-sex marriage during a beauty contest and answered truthfully that marriage should be between a man and a woman. She lost because of that answer and has endured the wrath of the gay marriage gestapo in concert with their media toadies. The pageant organizers threw her under the bus as well.

The National Organization for Women has rallied to her defense with all the zeal and gusto they defended Sarah Palin...which is to say none.

Now, Miss Prejean is being slammed for pictures that may have been considered risque' in the fifties but are incredibly tame by today's standard. NBC says it's too blue to show when they are the network that has had far steamier live action on shows like ER and...er, the peacock is so bad I can't name another show on the network.

So here's the picture that the homosexual Nazi brigade is bandying about as proof that Prejean has no moral compass, isn't a Christian and whose opinion should be not only squashed but gutted, burned and the ashes scattered all over San Francisco:

Hot? Damn straight she is. Hot enough to make a gay man straight...er, except for that ingrate Perez Hilton. Immoral? Not even close. If she were a liberal this would be a resume enhancer. Hell, even as a conservative it's a resume enhancer.

From Hot Air's comments linked above:

When do the Janine Garafalo nude photo get released to try and destroy her….sorry I couldn’t finish I just threw up.

portlandon on May 5, 2009 at 4:13 PM
And on that note, I think I'll skip dinner.

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