Monday, May 04, 2009

Selena Roberts is Smearing A-Rod

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Now I'm no Yankee fan--in fact, where I grew up most kids first words were "mama" or "dada", mine were "Giants suck". I hate NY sports teams with a passion that may be borderline insane. You have to live here to understand it.

That said, I still must stand up for A-Rod as he's facing the worst smear job of his career. Yes, he shamed the game by using steroids but the latest allegations are a different story and the person making those allegations is the same one who tried and convicted the Duke lacrosse players before they even were able to speak before a judge. Once they were exonerated, she never once wrote a word retracting her slurs or apologizing to the players. She ruined the lives of three young men because they were rich, white and, well, men.

That person is former NY Times reporter Selena Roberts. She's the first to write anything bad involving a male athlete because she's a typical hypocritical women's libber.

Here's a great quote from the excellent piece by Jason Whitlock in the Kansas City Star:

Instead, she moved on to Sports Illustrated, a seat on ESPN’s “The Sports Reporters” and a new target, baseball slugger Alex Rodriguez.

Last week, the New York Daily News and The New York Times acquired “leaked” copies of Roberts’ soon-to-be-released biography, “A-Rod.” In it, according to the two New York newspapers, Roberts paints a highly unflattering picture of Rodriguez as a human being and, among other things, speculates that Rodriguez used steroids in high school.

Roberts’ speculative opinions are deemed as so credible by ESPN and others that the Worldwide Leader ran all-day updates stating that Selena Roberts believes that it’s “irrefutable” that Rodriguez used performance-enhancing drugs while a teenager.

At no point did ESPN’s TV anchors or radio broadcasters mention that Roberts was the same person who led the media charge against the Duke lacrosse players. I listened to Roberts’ interview on Dan Patrick’s radio show. Patrick never asked her about Duke lacrosse or why we should trust her reporting.

In its news story about her book, The New York Times failed to allude to her position on the Duke lacrosse case:

“Some of the accusations in the book are based on anonymous sources, and others are simply presented as knowledge the author has without an explanation of how the information was obtained.”
And that is essentially the Times M.O. for all stories critical of men, the Masters, Republicans and anyone else that is not a terrorist, abortionist or Democrat.

I think I hate Selena Roberts more now than ever because she made me defend a scumbag like A-Rod. Plus, she seems a bit creepy and bizarre.

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