2005 is coming to a rapid close and for a fan of the Philly Eagles, that's a good thing. I've decided to revisit the year and see what stories ended up being relevant and which stories lasted only a few days.
We'll also see what inane events happened that make writing a blog fun.
At the dawn of the year, Howard Dean was riding high. Kos said that the Democratic Party "fears" him.. Now they are doing everything possible to distance themselves from him. Kos wrote "we are growing up as a party". This was not the last time that Kos was proven wrong during this year.
Bush is inaugurated and Kerry backers realize he was a horrible candidate.
The Germans quickly back off a new law requiring women who are unemployed to work as prostitutes.
Bush name Bush 41 and Clinton to lead tsunami relief effort. They also reunited for other causes like the odd couple.
Late in the month, Iraqi's went to the polls and the silence on the left was deafening.
We also remembered the liberation of Auschwitz 60 years prior.
We entered a new realm with regard to law. And that's saying a mouthful.
The assassination of Rafik Hariri set off a chain of events in Lebanon that led to the withdrawal of Syria and democratic reforms.
Fred Fry starts a post about license plates and doesn't end it until 30-days later. He's so tired, he can't write anything in March.
We recalled the battle for Iwo Jima 60 years later.
Even Egypt grudgingly saw that the will of the people is just.
Terri Schiavo passed late in the month. Nothing had split the right side of the blogosphere like this issue.
Zero tolerance reached new heights in Oregon.
Sandy Berger decided to plead guilty to stuffing classified documents that may have been embarrassing into his pants. There was room for many documents evidently.
Blogger Gay Patriot was silenced. The left once again show their extreme tolerance.
A catastrophic explosion in Texas City, TX killed fifteen an was an omen of the difficulties refineries would face this year.
Terrell Owens continued his whining that foreshadowed how the Eagles year was going to turn out.
The Drudge Report celebrated 10 years. Bill Clinton declined to comment.
France continued to be duplicitous. Shocking I know.
One of the more touching stories I posted on: The Tale of Two Rachel's
Jennifer McBride, writing in the University of Oregon college paper shows that she is just inane enough to get a job at the New York Times. Her piece titled "10 reasons not to kill Bush" ranks up there as the worst essay written this year. A truly staggering feat.
A coalition of Senators agree to not invoke the nuclear option by coming to an agreement on court nominees.
Newsweek lied and people died. Michael Isikoff was on the hotseat because of Korangate.
John Bolton goes before the Senate and George Voinovich becomes the newest cause celebre for the MSM.
A look back on the MOVE fiasco after 20-years.
The EU Constitution tanks. Chirac spins.
The Culture Wars continues unabated.
John Cole was wrong. Things seem to be the exact opposite of what John predicted.
The Cedar Revolution continued. Bashar Assad started sleeping with a night light on next to his bed.
A female suicide bomber gets caught in the act and on video. The world blames Israel.
The post that attracted single most traffic (to that point) was written. I'm shy about self-promotion.
Everyone had an opinion about Eminent Domain when Kelo was decided. Well, everyone but Nancy Pelosi that is. David Souter also got a taste of his own medicine.
The new Iranian President was found to be a hostage taker in the past. The left said he is reformed because he wrote a childrens book telling kids not to join gangs of hotage takers.
Ward Churchill continued to show what a scumbag he is.
The HuffPo was born. The only time I ever supported late term abortion was in early May of 2005.
The HuffPo continued the hard-hitting journalism that B-list celebs and never has-beens are known for.
On July 7, terrorists bombed the London Underground and a double decker bus.
Soon thereafter, police in London mistakenly shoot a Brazilian man they believe is a suicide bomber.
Veteran Whitehouse reporter Helen Thomas threatens to "kill herself" if Dick Cheney announces he will run for President. Hours later, the entire Whitehouse Press Corps sends Cheney a letter urging him to run.
Jimmy Carter opened his mouth again. He, like Yasser Arafat was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize so I should afford him the same respect I did Arafat.
Another cold remedy bites the dust. Proteus shows for a second before he's forced underground again.
Katrina slowly moved up the Gulf and crashed ashore hitting Mississippi and Louisiana. Initial reports indicated that perhaps New Orleans dodged a bullet. We soon learned how wrong we were. The blogosphere responds immediately. So do scumbags.
August was the month of not only Hurricane Katrina. It was the month of Cindy mania. The anti-warrior's exploitation of a grieving mother was extreme. She eventually became extreme herself.
Israel withdrawals from Gaza. Abu Mazen credits terrorists. Soon learns that he can't govern terrorists either.
Able Danger and Jamie Gorelick become hot blogosphere topics.
Dirtbag attacks woman, old man shoots dirtbag, life is good.
Ann Coulter continues to really piss of people.
The devastation from Katrina starts to be shown. Meanwhile, the press goes nuts and reports every sordid rumor without investigating.
Your humble author posts an essay about Katrina giving the media the edge in reporting over blogs. Essay is posted on Instapundit. Author is soon forced to recant. Instapundit posts that also.
The Moonbats came out for their end of summer protest. No one paid attention.
Air America was in denial while fighting off a scandal and poor ratings. They still are and were actually having a fund raising drive.
Judith Miller was released from jail and the left salivated at the idea of Karl Rove getting indicted.
Tom DeLay is indicted and things are looking brutal for the Bush administration.
The Defense Department continues to block Able Danger info from being released.
The Harriet Miers nomination splits Republicans again. After a brutal month, Bush comes to his senses and cans Miers. He then chooses the worst nightmare of NARAL and NOW, Republicans rejoice.
Scooter Libby gets indicted, Rove doesn't.
Hot looking teachers fooling around with their students reaches epidemic proportions.
Bloggers come together to attempt to cut the pork from the federal government.
World wishes Ward Churchill would disappear. No such luck.
Joe Lieberman writes a truly great piece for the WSJ. Democrats immediately shun him (and continue to) and heretofore unknown Congressman John Murtha becomes their newest hero. The media elevates him to "hawk" status.
A rapidly unraveling scandal engulfs Randy "Duke" Cunningham and threatens to destroy others.
The blogosphere melted down over the launch of Pajama's Media which became Open Source Media which reverted back to PJM. This author was a bit puzzled by the venom.
Cindy Sheehan still hasn't gone away.
The Donks try the revisionist tack. Bush and the Republicans fact check their asses.
Since December is only less than half over, I'll update this at the close of the year.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
The Year in Review
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