Thursday, March 31, 2005

Terri Schiavo

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Terri Schiavo died today after being starved to death in Florida. I've posted very little about this case because others were saying things better than I. I pray for her soul and that perhaps her parents suffering may one day be assuaged.

That said, I have some thoughts this evening:

  • This was a hot and heated debate that brought out the worst in both sides. I hope in the coming weeks and months, people will look back and see what was said and done during the past month. As an outside viewer, I was appalled that the government of the US met in a midnight session and enacted a law that was not directed at the greater good of the country. On the other side of the issue were the Dems and Libs who should be ashamed of dredging up the death of Tom DeLay's mother and other assorted unseemly things.
  • Second, the Democrats are in the position (again) that they are crowing about a 'win' for starving a young woman. How come a Liberal win always leaves me with the feeling that I need a two-hour hot shower. These people are disgusting.
  • Michael Schiavo is such a dirtbag that, according to news accounts, he would not allow the Schindler family in when death seemed imminent. They were not there when their daughter passed.
  • Schiavo is a scumbag, but he was her husband regardless of what occurred after she became disabled. If she said that she didn't want to be saved and didn't have a living will, his word was her word.
  • The news media showed that they have yet to reach the bottom.
  • The various courts as a whole and the judges in particular had some tough decisions to make and erred on the side of the law and not emotion. They've taken a beating on this wrongly in my view.

The plain truth is that this whole thing stinks. No one looks good and everyone looks bad.

Rest in peace Ms. Schindler-Schiavo.

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