Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ted Kennedy Cancer in Remission

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I find it ironic though that Ted Kennedy has been a hawk on pushing socialized medicine but it free market health care that helped him in this case. In a socialized medicine world akin to Canada or Britain, the average person would never get the care they get in the US. Senator Kennedy was saved by the medical advances we only see in the American system as it's been for generations.

I'm happy for the Senator and wish him well.


snuffyny said...

Hail Brother,
You are too kind to Teddy-Boy. I, myself, was gleeful at the news of his cancer... thought that perhaps God, or fate, was about to equal the scales of Justice.
"You are what you do when it counts."
At Chappaquiddick, Teddy-Boy proved himself to be a slimy little turd... but it seems that the folks in Massachusetts don't care.
"The Lion Of The Senate" indeed! "F" him, now and forever more.

Scott said...

That's rough, bro. Your either an idiot or a sock puppet.

snuffyny said...

You may be right and an idiot I may, indeed, be.
But not a sock puppet.
No. I've carried this particular chip for decades, ever since I read of Mary Jo's broken fingernails and the torn headliner in the back of the car in which she drowned. She died, whilst Teddy-Boy sought to avoid mere scandal.
I felt this way when I was a card-carrying Democrat liberal.
The fact that I've switched party affiliation has nothing to do with this issue. These days, I do dislike other Dems nearly as much but they haven't allowed somebody's daughter to drown.

Scott said...

Agreed Kennedy is scum but I don't even wish death on scum...unless they're a terrorist or enemy of the state.

snuffyny said...

Never said that I wished death on Kennedy.
Just said that I was happy with the occurrence.
I've always had a laissez-faire attitude towards life and things politic.
The Karmic scales should always balance. And I'm just glad that the malignant fear of cancer has invaded Teddy-Boy's world. I hope the fear eats away at him, keeps him awake at night, contemplating his sins.
That's all.
His illness seems to be just chum in the waters. The "sharks" are already circling, tasting blood.
Lord knows what his death would bring.
It'll be fun to watch though.
(This, from a guy who cried at the death of both his brothers.)

Scott said...

Dude, are you Kopechne's cousin?

Read here:


i've been killing the dude for six years on this blog.

snuffyny said...

'Twould appear that you and I are of the same mind (generally) about Teddy-Boy... except my rancor runs deeper than yours.
Let's agree, here, to just disagree and end the discussion.
I'm tired of thinking about scumbags and it's Memorial Day Eve and I have my own ghosts to commune with tonight.
A Good Night to you.
