Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"I see a scrawny cigarette-smoker who plays basketball."

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This is humorous (second item):

Men's Journal, one of the more popular magazines available at newsstands, recently featured a glowing cover story on Barack Obama, the in-shape athletic jock.

Now the magazine's editors have published a pair of letters, sent in by readers Jim Koepke of Minneapolis and Skip Schmidt of Columbus, Ohio, neither of whom, suffice to say, were impressed with the reporting.

Mr. Koepke: "I'm sad that you seem to have joined the media lovefest for Barack Obama. With each issue, you slide toward left-wing, politically correct eco-nonsense. I don't recall a cover of George W. Bush biking. And Dubya could probably kick Obama's [expletive] in a footrace."

Mr. Schmidt: "You might see a jock when you look at Obama, but I see a scrawny cigarette-smoker who plays basketball."
Ah the fawning media. They have no idea that people see through their little bias game.

Note the first item as well where Palin was not the preferred candidate but Joe Lieberman was. McCain would have lost by twenty points if that ever came to pass.

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