Wednesday, May 20, 2009

LA Times Upset By People Exercising Their Protected Rights

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The great unwashed residing in the formerly great state (and my former and I hope future home) of California voted down five propositions that would have increased taxes and yes on one that would have rewarded state legislators for poor performance. God bless them.

The LA Times sees it a bit differently:

Californians are well known for periodic voter revolts, but on Tuesday they did more than just lash out at Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Legislature over the state's fiscal debacle.

By rejecting five budget measures, Californians also brought into stark relief the fact that they, too, share blame for the political dysfunction that has brought California to the brink of insolvency.

Rightly or wrongly, voters in the special election refused either to extend new tax hikes or to cap state spending. They also declined to unlock funds that they had voted in better financial times to set aside for special purposes.

Nearly a century after the Progressive-era birth of the state's ballot-measure system, it is clear that voters' fickle commands, one proposition at a time, are a top contributor to paralysis in Sacramento. And that, in turn, has helped cripple the capacity of the governor and Legislature to provide effective leadership to a state of more than 38 million people.
When has any governor or legislature provided effective leadership? But I digress.

There's no more democratic way of deciding issues than to have people vote for them. California was at the forefront of increasing democracy and bringing it to the people in choosing the proposition vote.

The Times is too damn ideological to see exactly what they are saying is not only anti-democratic but anti-American as well. They would never, ever write that a major cause of the budget deficit in the state is high spending, coddling illegal aliens and a bloated state bureaucracy; instead they lash out at the voters who were only doing what people in other nations fight and die to

Don't even begin to think that this is all about the vote yesterday. It goes back to Prop 8 when the state voted against gay marriage that really pissed the editorial board at the Times off.

The statist mindset has set in in every newsroom even more in Obamanation.

Just another example of why the sorry rag called the LA Times is in bankruptcy.

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