Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday Night News and Notes

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On the road again...

What's new y'all? The Phillies took two out of three from the Yankees and the weather was excellent.

Here's what's new in this crazy old world:

-Obama's next takeover target is the Internet. The car companies, the banks and now the ultimate nationalization--the World Wide Web. Imagine if George W. Bush had even so much as suggested this.

-Reaping what they sow: Big Ethanol against Big Environment.

-California high court upholds the will of the people for the most part. At least democracy has not been completely obliterated in Obamanation.

-Please just shut the UN. It's prime Manhattan land and the low-lives who congregate there can be moved to a place more up their alley...like, maybe, Bangkok.

-The rich bolt the Socialist Republic of Maryland in droves.

-Jim Marshall photographed the most iconic groups in rock history. Go spend some time looking at his work. These would be among my favorites:

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