Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Worlds Bad Guys Give Obama the Finger

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Yeah, the whole "we'll talk with them without preconditions" thing is working out awesome, isn't it?

Kim Jung-il told Obama in no uncertain terms what he thinks about him and his foreign policy initiatives by detonating a nuclear weapon on Memorial Day and then to make sure the point was taken launched some missiles. That is the diplomatic equivalent of punching him in the face, feeling up his his wife and flattening his tires.

Next we have Ahmadinejad making his intentions known by telling Obama thanks but no thanks on that whole nuclear weapon talk:

"The nuclear issue is a finished issue for us," Mr. Ahmadinejad told reporters Monday in Tehran. But he made an offer that Mr. Obama will find difficult to refuse, proposing to debate the president and his teleprompter at the U.N. "regarding the roots of world problems." But no talks about the Iranian bomb. "Our talks [with the major powers] will be only in the framework of cooperation for managing global issues, and nothing else.
All in all a pretty successful holiday weekend for The One. If we have many more of these we'll be about as respected a world power as Mali or Sri Lanka.

But hey, Obama is "gravely concerned" so that should get old Kim back in line.

Hope and change [TM] indeed.

Update: Maybe Obama should install John Bolton at the UN again. He's the only one who seems to foresee the error of his policies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post as usual... I took the liberty to cross post (with full credit and a link) on one of my kayaking forums... Hope you and the family are well... ;-)