Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Obama Tactics Nixonian

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Richard Nixon used the government to achieve his ends; it appears Obama has learned from more than one 1970's president:

A tipster alerted me to an interesting assertion. A cursory review by that person showed that many of the Chrysler dealers on the closing list were heavy Republican donors.

To quickly review the situation, I took all dealer owners whose names appeared more than once in the list. And, of those who contributed to political campaigns, every single one had donated almost exclusively to GOP candidates. While this isn't an exhaustive review, it does have some ominous implications if it can be verified.

However, I also found additional research online at Scribd (author unknown), which also appears to point to a highly partisan decision-making process.
It sure appears Obama or his staff targeted GOP-supporting dealers and the data generally plays that out.

Good work by Doug Ross.

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