Thursday, May 07, 2009

So Much For Transparency On Stim $

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We were promised that every single dime would be tracked of the $700+-billion dollars injected into the economy to create a stimulus effect. We were told that this would be the most transparent administration the country had ever seen. We were told that the culture of corruption was a thing of the past and that our money would be watched like a hawk to be sure that it went where it was supposed to go.

We were lied to:

WASHINGTON — Although President Obama has vowed that citizens will be able to track "every dime" of the $787 billion stimulus bill, a government website dedicated to the spending won't have details on contracts and grants until October and may not be complete until next spring — halfway through the program, administration officials said. now lists programs being funded by the stimulus money, but provides no details on who received the grants and contracts. Agencies won't report that data until Oct. 10, according to Earl Devaney, chairman of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, which manages the website.

Devaney told a House subcommittee Tuesday that it will be a challenge to have the site ready to present spending data in five months. He said after the hearing that the board doesn't have enough data storage capacity, for example.

Here's a novel idea; why didn't we spend some of the stimulus money on more "data storage capacity" instead of funneling it to groups like ACORN? I'm sure we could have reduced the amount we gave to the NEA so that we could upgrade our data storage capacity and allow Americans to see where their money is going. A few less "Piss Christs" and other "art" projects may have been put off but we would at least have some clarity on the stim dollars.

Money for community organizers and Democrat votes is good. Transparency is bad. This was predicted of course.

Hope and change my friends, hope and change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it time for all real Americans
to write to their congressmen and
congresswomen? Is it time for all
real Americans to write to their
senators? Is it time for all
Americans to write to their local
"....I THINK IT IS...."
Let them all know how tired we are
of getting only their view of the
Let them do some real journalism
and legislating and give all real
Americans a chance.
The way our politicians and reporters are handling it now is
very like the way Germany handled
their citizens in the thirties and
the forties.
We were promised '..TRANSPARENCY.."