Thursday, May 07, 2009

ACORN Workers Indicted For Voter Fraud Activities

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Seven workers for ACORN--a group of felonious liberals community organizers are in hot water:

PITTSBURGH (AP) — Seven Pittsburgh-area ACORN workers were charged with falsifying voter registration forms, with six accused of doing so to meet the group's alleged quota system before last year's general election.

District Attorney Stephen Zappala Jr. said he's hoping the workers charged Thursday will help authorities determine whether Allegheny County ACORN officials will be charged with requiring the illegal quotas or otherwise directing that voter registrations be faked.

"You should consider the investigation as ongoing," Zappala said.

Six suspects forged a total of 51 cards, a felony that carries up to seven years in prison. The same six also were charged with illegally accepting payments to meet a quota of 20 registrations per day — a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail.
Only twenty per day? These scammers weren't thinking high enough. I would have required the slackers to get at least fifty before they saw any damn money. I wonder if they were paid a "living wage".

Anyway, let's hope they get the conviction and punish them enough to dissuade it from happening again...said with heavy sarcasm.

It's all good for ACORN though, with a chunk of $50-billion in stimulus tax dollars, they could probably hire on hell of a good lawyer.

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