Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The Idiocy of Global Warming Spending

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As I've mentioned about a thousand times before, the great Global Warming Swindle is exactly that; a ploy to scare people into spending billions of dollars that will not benefit the environment but benefit those who have made this an industry.

We have further proof just how inane the thought of carbon reduction reducing temperatures really is:

Editor Note: Using mainstream models and assumptions, Mr. Knappenberger finds that in the year 2050 with a 83% emissions reduction (the aspirational goal of Waxman-Markey, the beginning steps of which are under vigorous debate), the temperature reduction is nine hundredths of one degree Fahrenheit, or two years of avoided warming. A more realistic climate bill would be a fraction of this amount. The author will respond to technical questions on methodology and results and invites input on alternative scenarios and analyses.
Emphasis mine. Think about that, we'll spell untold billions for a reduction 0.019 degree reduction. Hardly worth the pixels I'm producing as I write.

Here's the picture version for you people up in Boston who have trouble reading the written portion:

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