Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Wednesday Afternoon News & Notes

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Happy hump day to you.

Here's what's new:

-Why they hate Sarah Palin. Thoughtful yet highly edited.

-Hooray! I live in one of states where freedom is an afterthught and liberty is but a dream. Hey, at least New York is even less free.

-Speaking of New York; the Phillies open up another short series against the Mets at Debits Field tonight. They face Johann Santana who has essentially owned us (although Howard, Ruiz, Ibanez and Werth have feasted on him) but the Phillies are now in first place and the way they're hitting, I'll bet they stay there for awhile.

-Yeah, that whole hope and change approach to dealing with Iran is working out just great...for Iran.

-Americans think quite differently than Pelosi and The One on "torture".

-Juxtaposing the economies of two Caribbean nations. Spoiler: the one with more government intervention performed much worse.

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