Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Tuesday Night News & Notes

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It's been a busy day but everything is sunny for the economy if you just ask Ben Bernanke.

Here's what's going on in the solar system:

-Strong arm tactics more akin to the Corleones than the government of the US. Life in Obamanation continues unabated but a great deal poorer.

-Remember when liberals used to complain we weren't doing enough about Darfur? I've not heard Darfur mentioned in about 106 days or so.

-Don't you love it when those who still believe global warming is man-made try to rationalize away clear concise facts rebutting global warming staring them in the face?

-More great moments in socialized medicine.

-The Obama administration will not release the pix of Air Force One scaring the bejesus out of New Yorkers and Bloomberg unloads on him for it. He will release incendiary pictures of "torture" at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo that will inflame Muslim nations, however.

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