Friday, April 03, 2009

Priceless: Even The Guardian is Making Fun of Obama Now

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The man who is supposedly the best communicator since Kennedy isn't having a good trip across the Atlantic.

First we have the uber-liberal Guardian busting on him for an answer he gave to a question from a reporter. You see, it's all new to him but to us who've been paying attention in the US, it's just more of the same. When you've lost the respect of the Guardian, you've lost the European left. Sans teleprompter he is a buffoon.

But wait, he even screwed up with the damn teleprompter in front of him.

Even Bush didn't butcher the English language like BHO does. What a friggin' embarrassment this dude is.

1 comment:

Dale Young said...

No wonder, mister president and his economic advisers pumping gas into tank with holes for our tax money. He is too weak to do radical changes to help people and (or at least) USA economy.