Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Most Ethical Administration Ever?

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Uh, no. In the weekly Friday document dump, Obama revealed he has some real low lives in his support staff:

Lawrence Summers, a top economic adviser to President Barack Obama, pulled in more than $2.7 million in speaking fees paid by firms at the heart of the financial crisis, including Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Merrill Lynch, Bank of America Corp. and the now-defunct Lehman Brothers. Summers pulled in another $5.2 million from D.E. Shaw, a hedge fund for which he served as managing director from October 2006 until joining the administration.
But didn't Obama promise us that he wouldn't have these types of people in his inner circle? Didn't he pledge hope and change (TM)? yes I believe he did.

But wait, it gets better:

Thomas E. Donilon, Obama’s deputy national security adviser, was paid $3.9 million by the power law firm O’Melveny & Myers to represent clients including two firms that receieved federal bailout funds: Citigroup and Goldman Sachs. He also disclosed that he’s a member of the Trilateral Commission and sits on the steering committee of the supersecret Bilderberg group. Both groups are favorite targets of conspiracy theorists.
Hold on, we're not nearly done with the shady characters yet. Why not leave the shadiest of all for last:

And White House Counsel Greg Craig earned $1.7 million in private practice representing an exiled Bolivian president, a Panamanian lawmaker wanted by the U.S. government for allegedly murdering a U.S. soldier and a tech billionaire accused of securities fraud and various sensational drug and sex crimes.
And who is the Panamanian who murdered a US serviceman? One Pedro Miguel González Pinzón who now head Panama's National Assembly. This guy is a scumbag and Obama has elevated him to a prestigious position in which he will be counselling the new administration. He was instrumental in defending John Hinckley and the Bolivian he assisted killed 67 fellow Bolivars.

What, no carjackers or rapists were available to assist The One?

Even "conspiracy theorist's" are right sometimes and this group is by far the nastiest group of political cronies ever assembled by one administration. They hated Cheney but have not a word to say about this group of elitists and filth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Barack Obama's other orifice could speak, what would he say?(parody) BHO Taileprompter