Friday, April 03, 2009

Friday Morning News & Notes

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A rainy Friday but it's the weekend so it's all good.

Here's what's new:

-David Paterson yuks it up about raising taxes. I've spent alot of time in his state lately and the way they are imploding, he shouldn't be laughing at anything.

-The dirty fingers and corruption of Congress and Big Labor.

-Met the new boss, same as the old boss... Remember, it's not hypocrisy, it Hope and Change...or not.

-Someone explain to me why Obama would need 500 people to accompany him for his one week European junket? What the hell are 500 people doing for the week, carrying the teleprompter? Not only that, they all flew via military transport and that's hurting our military support in Afghanistan. Hell, Obama could have stimulated the airline industry into profitability if they would have flown commercial like the rest of of dumb schmucks.

-Ward Churchill wins and gets about all he deserved.

-Terri has a nice new look. The site still has that great new car smell.

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