Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Obama Flip-Flops on Surge

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The Messiah scrubbed his website of any criticism of the surge according to the NY Daily News:

WASHINGTON - Barack Obama's campaign scrubbed his presidential Web site over the weekend to remove criticism of the U.S. troop "surge" in Iraq, the Daily News has learned.

The presumed Democratic nominee replaced his Iraq issue Web page, which had described the surge as a "problem" that had barely reduced violence.

"The surge is not working," Obama's old plan stated, citing a lack of Iraqi political cooperation but crediting Sunni sheiks - not U.S. military muscle - for quelling violence in Anbar Province.

...Obama's campaign posted a new Iraq plan Sunday night, which cites an "improved security situation" paid for with the blood of U.S. troops since the surge began in February 2007.

It praises G.I.s' "hard work, improved counterinsurgency tactics and enormous sacrifice."
The flip is to be expected because he's flipped on every single important issue. No, the most telling thing about this article is that it appears in the Daily News--a left wing paper. More and more Democrats are turning on Obama and it seems they are suffering a serious case of buyers remorse. The argument from the left would be that they are being unbiased but that's a crock, if it were Hillary or Gore, they would not print one negative piece. people are finally understanding that Barack Obama is not an agent of change but more of the same with twice the chutzpah. When he has lost even staunch Democrats, there's trouble brewing and it may reach a head in Denver.

Obama has a problem with the Iraq war right about now--namely that we are winning and that's got all liberals upset. His recent shift towards keeping the troops there in concert with his alienating pro-war Democrats by revealing his plans before visiting the region as he promised just makes him look even less ready to hold the office of President.

1 comment:

Khaki Elephant said...

Great post!
I keep wondering what Obama is going to do with recent successes in Iraq. Of course, as long as it doesn't get much play in the media he'll remain safe.