Monday, July 14, 2008

News, Notes & the Absurd

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Lost in all the screaming about the ultra liberal New Yorker mag cover featuring Barack and Michelle Obama with a burning flag in the fireplace is the actual contents of the article, which may have been the point. Charles notes that he was squarely in the "we brought 9/11 on ourselves" camp. As an aside, the fact that it's liberals screaming about the cover drawn by a liberal shows once again they have zero sense of humor or irony.

Hollywood is still the land of fruits and nuts.

The SEC is stepping in to make sure that rumors don't worsen an already bad situation. Good luck with that.

Speaking of idiotic ideas with regard to the fragile economic state, Sen. Charles Shumer (D-NY) single-handedly caused chaos at a California bank simply to placate the inane left-wing zealots. Way to go Chuckie, you'd be the most idiotic Senator in your state if it weren't for the junior Senator.

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