The media fell all over themselves when Obama spoke in front of AIPAC as he did his best to cozy up to the Jewish community. But the media fails to mention that the liberal wing of the Democrat party is dangerously close to outright anti-Semitism (if not there already). Charles Johnson has detailed this extensively every time someone at Obama-backing Daily Kos (including old "screw them" Kos himself) lets down their guard and lets their true anti-Semitism be seen.
Still the Jewish vote goes for whatever Democrat happens to be running. I'm guessing that they feel that a Jewish president or vice presidential candidate will eventually be elected and he or she will be a Democrat. What they fail to see what the libs did to Joe Lieberman as soon as he strayed too far off the reservation for their liking; they advocated hard against him forcing him to win as an independent.
But what of Barack Obama? Well, his own site delved into the anti-Semitic waters today before being expunged from the site. Charles carries these two screen caps:

Back to Obama speaking at AIPAC. He said the right things but why do I get the feeling that his people are talking to Muslim leaders and saying that he really didn't mean it, it's just politics you know like when he called for the repeal of NAFTA and his people were telling Canada and expressing that it was just politically expedient to say such things. You know, wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Maybe one day the Jews will wake up and realize that the GOP has done more for Jews and Israel than the Donks ever did. President Bush was fully supportive of the Israeli attacks against Syrian nuke sites and has been about the best friend they have had going back to the anti-Israeli Durban conference. Perhaps they will finally get it when Obama abandons them when they need it most.
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