Monday, March 17, 2008

Obama's Lost the Jews and Christians, Who's Next?

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Obama is set for a "big" speech tomorrow in which he'll say something to the effect of "I condemn the words of the man who has been my spiritual advisor for the last two decades". Yeah, that should go over well.

Just as Bill Clinton called in Jesse "Hymietown" Jackson to spiritually guide him when he was caught getting jiggy with a cigar and left his love ick on a blue dress that finally did his ass in, Obama is going to say that the man was an advisor but he didn't take any of his all the twenty years he listened to the man.

Wright is a particularly vicious anti-Semite and he is attached to Obama like a remora to a twenty-foot Great White. You can't shake the dude, Barry O.

It always amazes me that Jews vote Democratic like clockwork. It's been GOP Presidents who support Israel and Jews while the leading Dems plant a wet one on the Arafat's.

Obama has lost more than a few White Christians who attend church and hear of the good works of Jesus and a sermon that doesn't condemn Whites, Jews or any other group. In other words, a straight sermon where we are told that the Lord preached unity with all. Jeremiah Wright preached hate in a way that would make an Imam preaching on a Friday in the Temple Mount gasp.

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