Saturday, March 01, 2008

Great Moments in Socialized Medicine

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Yeah Hillary and Barack, let's go the socialized medicine route. It really seems to be working for the Canadians:

More than 400 Canadians in the full throes of a heart attack or other cardiac emergency have been sent to the United States because no hospital can provide the lifesaving care they require here.

Most of the heart patients who have been sent south since 2003 typically show up in Ontario hospitals, where they are given clot-busting drugs. If those drugs fail to open their clogged arteries, the scramble to locate angioplasty in the United States begins.

“They rushed me over to Detroit, did the whole closing of the tunnel,” said Eric Bialkowski, 47, of the heart attack he had on March 14, 2007, in Windsor, Ont. “It was like Disneyworld customer service.”

While other provinces have sent patients out of country – British Columbia has sent 75 pregnant women or their babies to Washington State since February, 2007 – nowhere is the problem as acute as in Ontario.

At least 188 neurosurgery patients and 421 emergency cardiac patients have been sent to the United States from Ontario since the 2003-2004 fiscal year to Feb. 21 this year. Add to that 25 women with high-risk pregnancies sent south of the border in 2007.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about: I have a heart attack in the US, get to a hospital and they commence treatment immediately. Under the Hillary and Barack plan, they'll send me where? Maybe Mexico.

This is the future these two will lead us to. I for one would like to stay with what we currently have.

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