Saturday, March 01, 2008

A Subliminal Racial Message

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The Hillary ad that got everyone worked up yesterday is not really as effective as people think, Hillary is not the one anyone wants answering the phone at 3:00 Am during a crisis. But Ann Althouse noticed that the letters "NIG" appear on one childs PJ's. While it can be argued that it said "nighty night" or some other phrase with "night" in it, it's a scew-up for sure.

Here's Ann:

Is the campaign responsible for sending out a subliminal message to stimulate racist thoughts in the unsuspecting viewer? It is either deliberate or terribly incompetent. There is no other writing on screen until the very end of the commercial, and if letters appear in anyplace in a commercial, they should be carefully selected letters. Certainly, each image is artfully composed and shot and intended to deliver an emotional impact. Could this be a mere lapse?
I think it's a lapse more than anything but with the Clinton's, everything is orchestrated. The fact is they have built in plausible deniability on this one so it may have been a no-brainer calculated move. The Clinton's are playing the race angle for all it's worth while never getting their hands dirty. They are desperate and a cornered animal is always the most dangerous.

The Clinton staff has proven to be worse than Kerry's staff in 2004 and that is saying something.

Update: The Jawa's and Atlas are slamming Althouse but every single potentially racial issue will be magnified 100X. It's slipshod by the Clinton's and, again, I don't think it was malicious but they have to get their act together.

Anyway, look for yourself at 11-seconds in:

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