Thursday, March 27, 2008

Galloway Americans

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British MP George Galloway and members of the UN were on the payroll of Saddam Hussein by his involvement in the Oil for Food scandal researched and reported on painstakingly by Claudia Rosett. Now we find that three Democratic members of the US Congress were treated to a trip to Baghdad thanks to Saddam's largess:

Saddam Hussein's intelligence agency secretly financed a trip to Iraq for three U.S. lawmakers during the run-up to the U.S.-led invasion, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.

The three anti-war Democrats made the trip in October 2002, while the Bush administration was trying to persuade Congress to authorize military action against Iraq. While traveling, they called for a diplomatic solution.

Prosecutors say that trip was arranged by Muthanna Al-Hanooti, a Michigan charity official, who was charged Wednesday with setting up the junket at the behest of Saddam's regime. Iraqi intelligence officials allegedly paid for the trip through an intermediary and rewarded Al-Hanooti with 2 million barrels of Iraqi oil.

The lawmakers are not named in the indictment but the dates correspond to a trip by Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan and Mike Thompson of California. None was charged and Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd said investigators "have no information whatsoever" any of them knew the trip was underwritten by Saddam.
So these three Democrats are either the stupidest politicians in history or were willing dupes. Either way, they acted as useful idiots for Saddam in the run-up to a justified war. They were a mouthpiece for a vile dictator who ignored every single UN resolution to force his nation to comply and used money that was supposed to be used for food procurement yet didn't know where the money came from?

Yeah, the Democrats have always been oily when it came to stopping us from going to war, now we find out that they are easily mislead and willing sheep as well.

Update: The Times telling us there's nothing to see here, move along.

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