Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Barack Obama's Jewish Problem

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Of course the balance between the Dem's as a whole and Obama in particular has been disrupted of late. The reasons are myriad: Jeremiah Wright's anti-Semitism, Hillary's past of sucking up to the Arafat's and now we have a nice new example:

In an interview with The Oregonion about five years ago, McPeak argued that the influence exerted by American Jews is responsible for the lack of progress in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. According to the general the problem was New York and Miami.

"We have a large vote here in favor of Israel. And no politician wants to run against it," he said.
In the same interview, McPeak spoke of his personal experience with Israel.

"I've spent a lot of time in Israel, worked at one time very closely with the Israeli Air Force as a junior officer," he said, "but that's maybe the more cosmopolitan, liberal version of the Israeli population."

McPeak also charged that Jews and Christian Zionists manipulated American foreign policy in Iraq.
I guess you can consider me one of those "Christian Zionists" and I'll proudly wear that label if it means that sane people should expect a group of people who want a nation of their own to stop murdering women and children before they capitulate and allow the thugs who promise to push Israel into the sea to establish a bonified nation-state.

McPeak was thought to give Obama a measure of military gravitas they sorely lacked. Perhaps instead of grabbing the first guy who meets the campaign's views on the Iraq war, they may want to vet exactly who they are hiring on.

Just another Obama gaffe and a good view into how he would choose his staff should he win the general election.

More on the issue here.

H/T: Cap'n Ed.

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