Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Clinton Corleone Tactics

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The Clintonista's are revving up the machine and the fuel is hard core tactics employed to ensure lockstep compliance with all parts of their regimen:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A group of prominent Hillary Clinton donors sent a letter to House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday asking her to retract her comments on superdelegates and stay out of the Democratic fight over their role in the presidential race.

The 20 prominent Clinton supporters told Pelosi she should "clarify" recent statements to make it clear superdelegates -- nearly 800 party insiders and elected officials who are free to back any candidate -- could support the candidate they think would be the best nominee.

...The signees reminded the House leader from California of their support for the party's House campaign committee and said "therefore" she should "reflect in your comments a more open view" about superdelegates.

"We appreciate your activities in support of the Democratic Party and your leadership role in the party and hope you will be responsive to some of your major enthusiastic supporters," the letter said.
Translation: Step back in line or you will lose the Speaker's position and your seat. We will pour money into an compliant candidate and destroy you.

This is only the horse in the bed portion. The sleeps with the fishes part comes next.

Pelosi is in an unfavorable position now, if she supports the Clinton's, she would lose the support of the most-likely candidate and if she doesn't, she will lose the money support that lifted her to the position she now holds.

Politics is rough in general, but the Clinton's brand makes typical politics look downright pedestrian.

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