Friday, December 07, 2007

More On The UN Global Warming Charade

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What's the most hypocritical thing about the UN global warming conclave?

There's definitely a myriad of things to point out like the fact that the emissions created by the attendees is equal to that of 20,000 cars in a year or the fact that it could have easily been a success by using modern technology including video conferencing instead of flying from all over the world to rub elbows with other elitists. But don't worry, they'll plant a tree when they return home.

In most cases, you'd have a winner in each of those examples above, but not today.

No my friends, the greatest act of hypocrisy is something that is the antithesis of science: the suppression of dissenting viewpoints:

The United Nations has rejected all attempts by a group of dissenting scientists seeking to present information at the climate change conference taking place in Bali, Indonesia.

The International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) has been denied the opportunity to present at panel discussions, side events, and exhibits; its members were denied press credentials. The group consists of distinguished scientists from Africa, Australia, India, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The scientists, citing pivotal evidence on climate change published in peer-reviewed journals, have expressed their opposition to the UN’s alarmist theory of anthropogenic global warming.
The very basis of science is to be un-biased and open to new and radical thought. It wasn't all that long ago that a man said the world was round and was excoriated for it. Galileo proved it and it became accepted science.

The fact that those attending this conference are excluding alternate hypotheses says to me that they don't believe--or at the very least can't provide facts to back up--their own hypothesis.

Note also that reporters who would not print their press releases verbatim were banned as well.

Now I may be a "less educated" idiot when it comes to this global warming thing--even though I have two decades working in the environmental business--but I can clearly see that the UN and the global warming cabal know they have a good thing going and they don't want any unwashed heathen like myself to put a damper on it. The M.O. of the global warming cult is to squash any dissent by calling those who may actually want to see a few facts that support the man-made global warming theory "less educated". It's a typical liberal ploy in which they marginalize you as inferior or not capable of understanding their brilliance. Click the link above to see it in black and white. (Update: The link pointing to me has been deleted. That's against the blogger credo) It was not deleted, my bad.

As for the UN circle-jerk, hell, Rio and Bali (been there, beautiful place) are great places to get away and talk about the environment while eating and drinking on an expense account, why let some group of rabble-rousing sceptics rain on their parade?

Update: We have a winner for the single-most elitist comment of the week:

It's very hard for the public to understand that you come together with so many people to a very distant place and cause a lot of emissions, and at the same time talk about emission reductions,'' Artur Runge-Metzger, head of climate strategy for the European Commission, said yesterday in an interview in Bali, adding that he had offset his own emissions.
Emphasis mine. Ok, where to start? Let's start with first sentence; how incredibly condescending. The "public" are the people whose tax dollars you used to attend the ridiculous affair. The "public" is just not as smart Mr. Runge-Metzger and he was sure to let you know that now wasn't he. Here's a question for you, sir: why don't you explain it to me and everyone else--hell, draw pictures if you have to.

Second, note that he said he offset his emissions but doesn't say how and the lapdog reporter didn't ask. The emissions offset business is a sham and everyone knows it. This is a great example of the international Left in all their glory. Take a look folks, these are the people that John Edwards wants to emulate.

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