Friday, December 07, 2007

Hillary and Liberal Chicks

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I know, "chick" is passe but it'll probably piss them off as will much of this post.

Anyway, Hillary seems to have a problem keeping the girls with hairy arms and legs liberal woman vote and it could effect her down the line.

It seems that these "liberated" women aren't too hip that Hillary rode old Bubba's coattails to the position of prominence she know holds. The piece doesn't say but I imagine her not bailing on Slick Willie when he embarrassed her in front of the world by not admitting getting hummers from Monica Lewinsky has something to do with it as well.

But that's not the most amusing part of this piece; no, this is:

Jane Fonda perhaps summed up this view best in an interview with the LA Weekly last May, in which she called Clinton "a ventriloquist for the patriarchy with a skirt and a vagina." (It would be such a great quote, except when was the last time Hillary wore a skirt?)(some might question the other part of that Fonda statement as well--ed)
Old Hanoi Jane is showing her age, who the hell uses the word "patriarchy" nowadays? I know I used "chick" but patriarchy? Come on Jane, take your Ritalin, forget that you hitched your own star to the "patriarchy" by sponging off Ted Turner and give up the feminist shtick, it ain't working for you honey.

For a true example of a liberated woman who should be a role model but never will be to the likes of Hanoi Jane and the others who use the word "patriarchy" I again present to you Aayan Hirsi Ali as exhibit A1.

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