Friday, December 07, 2007

Gun Laws & Mass Murder

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In the wake of yet another mass shooting by a deranged psychopath, it's worth noting that they seem to mainly happen in so-called "gun free zones". This from Fox News:

But despite the massive news coverage, none of the media coverage, at least by 10 a.m. Thursday, mentioned this central fact: Yet another attack occurred in a gun-free zone.

Surely, with all the reporters who appear at these crime scenes and seemingly interview virtually everyone there, why didn’t one simply mention the signs that ban guns from the premises?

Nebraska allows people to carry permitted concealed handguns, but it allows property owners, such as the Westroads Mall, to post signs banning permit holders from legally carrying guns on their property.
What if one person, trained and licensed, had a gun when this turd opened fire? He probably would've been put down in a second and lives could have been saved. It's far past the time that legal gun owners should be banned from carrying weapons when around town. The fact that the mall expressly forbid guns is a farce as anyone with murderous intent is not going to suddenly stop a rampage because of a sign.

As usual, Glenn Reynolds sums it up best:

The pattern of mass shootings in "gun free" zones is well-established at this point, and I don't see why places that take the affirmative step of forcing their law-abiding patrons to go unarmed should get off scot-free.

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