Thursday, December 06, 2007

I Really Think God Has More Important Priorities, Huck

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Mike Huckabee continues his downward spiral and I think he hit bottom today...but I could be wrong with how things are going for him.

Huck essentially said that God was the reason for his surge in the polls.

OK, aside from the fact that no one has a clue of the man upstairs thought or intentions, what does Huckabee believe he has that the big guy would find more worthy then say; Barack Obama? Now Hillary maybe I can see.

Anyway, just as I laugh at pro athletes who espouse the same rhetoric, so shall I belittle the idiot former Governor of Arkansas (no, the other, latter one):

Mike, buddy, God is currently a little busy with disease, pestilence, starvation and a million other horrors throughout the world. He doesn't give a damn who gets the nomination and I would chalk up your rise in the polls to the fact that no one knows you and they are fatigued with the candidates they do know. You are a zealot who is not only bad for the party but also would be a disaster for the country. The last preacher-type we elected was Jimmy Carter and that didn't work out quite so well. Do me and everyone else a favor and apologize for even remotely insinuating that the Creator cares one iota if the President is you, Fred Thompson or John, maybe he would care if it were Edwards.

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