Thursday, December 06, 2007

Walter Cronkite Continues to Spew Inane Statements

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Former CBS News icon Walter Cronkite is showing his liberal tendencies once again:

Moving forward is not complicated, but it will require courage. Step one is to proceed with the rapid withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and hand over the responsibility for the security of Iraq to Iraqi forces. Step two is to remove our military bases from Iraq and to turn Iraqi oil over to Iraqis. Step three is to provide resources to the Iraqis to rebuild the infrastructure that has been destroyed in the war.

Congress must act. Although Congress never declared war, as required by the Constitution, they did give the president the authority to invade Iraq. Congress must now withdraw that authority and cease its funding of the war.
Besides pointing out that it is posted at Common Dreams--a site that makes Al Gore look like Newt Gingrich--and that it was written in concert with the leader of one the most leftist hand-wringing organizations in America, I'll let you determine the major flaws in old Walt's line of thinking for yourself, I'll instead focus on this by the poster at Newshoggers who wonders "I'm astounded this one hasn't gotten more traction as yet, given Cronkite's pivotal role in ending the Vietnam War."

Perhaps it would be a poor use of my time to actually point out that Cronkite's "pivotal role" was a false statement. Believe it or not, we won the Tet Offensive. But alas, 1968 was a time when people were too stupid to question the news and well before their anchors would be called out for their actions. Cronkite said we were losing and the public believed him goes the traditional thinking perpetuated by the feeble-minded Cernig. The fact that we still were there another seven years and it was a Democratic Congress who stabbed our South Vietnamese allies in the back seems to have escaped his puny grasp.

I would suspect this will be the Dem talking points from here on out: they failed to support the troops and the mission and in fact, did everything possible to derail it. Now that victory appears in reach and we're actually demobilizing large groups of men, they want to get back on that victory train and say they were with the troops all along and spew the idiotic rhetoric that it was they who got the troops out.

I've news for them, it isn't 1968 and we have all of your comments in pixels that will be around for ever. We all know where you stood and that was against those who have volunteered to protect us.

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