Friday, December 07, 2007

66-Years After Pearl Harbor

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On a Sunday morning in 1941, before most arose in Pearl Harbor, HI, the Japanese under American-educated Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto launched a massive attack aimed at crippling the US naval fleet in the Pacific. Men and women acted valiantly when faced with the horror that was visited upon them by wave after wave a Japanese plane.

Fortunately for the US, the carrier fleet was at sea and that one simple reason is why the US was able to mobilize and pt down the Japanese threat in four years.

To all the men and women who fought in a foreign theater or who strapped on their boots and went to work in the facories, this nation owes you a debt we can never repay. You sacrificed for the betterment of our country and allowed us to reamin free to this day.

Today we face a different threat, but one that attacked in an equally cowardly way. While our nation has not mobilized in the sense that the "Greatest Generation" did, our miltary sure as hell has and are fighting with an aim and spirit that should make any WWII, Korea, Vietnam or Gulf War I vet proud.
While the FDR administration took some questionable steps following the attack--namely confining many Americans of Japanese background to internment camps--we learned from that lesson as well.

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