Thursday, December 06, 2007

Exposing Mumia Abu Jamal

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Maureen Faulkner has had to live with the nightmare for 26 years. Her husband, a decorated Philly cop was murdered on Locust Street in Center City Philadelphia, the man who shot him was eventually convicted by good police work and hard evidence.

The international Left took up the convicted killers cause and made the man a living martyr and fabricated lies to push their anti-capital punishment agenda. Hollywood celebrities supported the man and rock bands played concerts for him. He was asked to speak at graduation ceremonies from behind bars.

Now, the woman who had to absorb the death of her husband of a year and the grief associated with that also had to watch as Mumia Abu Jamal was exulted while her husband was gone.

With the assistance of lawyer and local talk show host Michael Smerconish, Maureen Faulkner is telling her side: the pain, the frustration and the absence of any finality. NBC excerpts a chapter describing the moment she realized she was a now a widow here.

I've yet to read the book as today is the release date but I will buy it today and encourage anyone who is horrified that the French named a street after a convicted cop killer to please buy this book. Let's really and truly finish this and expose Mumia and those slobbering idiots who support his cause as the scandalous low-live's they truly are. The Ed Asner's and Mike Farrell's of the world must be called on the carpet for their actions and I hope with this book they really and truly are.

This book is not a get rich scheme scribbled out to make a buck like the Valerie Plame book. No friends, unlike the aforementioned Plame and her scumbag husband, Maureen Faulkner truly has suffered and it made her stronger. All proceeds from the book will go to scholarships for kids who've lost a parent to violence (Smerconish details the program here.). The only place the proceeds from Plame's inane screed are going is in Joe and Valerie's bank account.

Please, go to Barnes and Noble, Amazon or Borders and buy the book Murdered by Mumia and show that Danny Faulkner did not die in vain. Mumia Abu Jamal aimed his weapon at Officer Faulkner and killed him in cold blood. The trial transcripts bear this out as does the rest of the evidence. This is the time--26 years later--to expose Jamal as the simple, wretched murderer that he really is.
Update: This has been a long-running issue with me. You can read other posts about this topic here including the 25-year tribute full of informational links here.

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