Thursday, December 06, 2007

Bush Owns Reid and Pelosi on Iraq

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The Dems have invented a great charade in fighting the President on funding for the war in Iraq. Bush doesn't need a charade, he only needs the truth, that if Congress puts time lines on funding measures, layoff notices are going out and the Dem Congress will have to read about families who can't afford Christmas because they have no income. They'll read that our troops are having trouble with the supply chain and they'll not be able to spin it in their favor.

The "idiot" Bush is beating them again:

Each day lately, Democrats inch closer to giving President Bush more money for the war in Iraq without any serious mandates for withdrawing U.S. troops.

Democratic leaders are loath to acknowledge they’ve backed off, but lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, as well as congressional aides, say Democrats are trying to find a way to provide continued troop funding while searching for some compromises that show they’re still intent on challenging the president on the war.
And of course Darth Cheney is kicking them square in the nads while they're down:

Murtha “and the other senior leaders … march to the tune of Nancy Pelosi to an extent I had not seen, frankly, with any previous speaker,” Cheney said. “I’m trying to think how to say all of this in a gentlemanly fashion, but [in] the Congress I served in, that wouldn’t have happened.”

But his implication was clear: When asked if these men had lost their spines, he responded, “They are not carrying the big sticks I would have expected."
The Vice President is calling Murtha by name and others by implication wussies and subservient to San Fran Nan. Sweet. Cheney is needling them and if they were to come out themselves and defend their actions, they'd look petty so they sent Clinton lapdog Rahm Emanuel--not exactly the picture of "big stick" manhood by the way.

Wait, it gets better. A troop draw down is currently taking place so Reid and Pelosi are stuck looking even more helpless than in recent days (no easy task, that).

Meanwhile, the bewildered Reid gets called out by that man who just exudes leadership (or not) Arlen Specter.

H/T: Gateway Pundit on the draw down story.

Update: Piling on--more at Redstate.

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