Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Tuesday Night News & Notes

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Not all that much time to write but still following events as they occur in real time to paraphrase Jack Bauer.

Here's what's new:

-Israeli's are organizing a flotilla to help the Turkish Kurds and to help those oppressed in Cyprus. Turnabout is fair play in my book. Israeli's giving the finger to Erdogan and his Islamist thugs makes me smile.

-Speaking of Israel, noted anti-Semite Helen Thomas is outta there. Her anti-Jewish rant finally did her in. I love when the mask comes completely off and liberals say what they really think. Na na na na, na na na na, na, na na na na....goodbye. Dana Milbank feels for the old Jew-hater.

-Former Eagle lineman John Runyan awaits the results of his first election and a battle against Rep. John Adler this fall. Noted Runyan:

“Everybody is going to say, ‘What kind of experience do you have?’” he says. “And I always put it out there: Look at all the people in politics who have the experience, and look what they’ve done to the country.”

Amen brother.

-NJ jihadist busted in NY was "Death to all Juice" guy. Well, he was always considered an idiot for that dumb ass sign but even stupid terrorist's will get lucky one day soon.

-Keynesian policies hav destroyed countless economies. That stunted theory may have finally been sent to the dustbin of history. No, I'm kidding but one can have a wish, right?

-Obama acted all macho and real men laughed. His comment about ass-kicking sounded like a 14-year old boy full of Red Bull instead of the president but we've pretty much grown to expect this from the Smartest Man To Ever Hold Office.

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