Monday, June 08, 2009

Kim Jung-il Sentences US reporters to 12-Years Hard Labor

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Yesterday, Hillary Clinton said that Barack Obama has answered that 3:00 AM call and has been successful. Too bad that call was his wife phoning from Paris saying she'd remain in Europe for another day to shop. It looks like the real troubling call was made later and Obama is tanking on the response:

For two families praying for the release of U.S. journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee, the news that they were sentenced to 12 years in a North Korean labor camp comes as a bombshell as the U.S. government works feverishly for their freedom.

The two women, who were arrested in March while reporting for Al Gore's Current TV along the Chinese-North Korean border, were found guilty today of "hostilities against the Korean nation and illegal entry."

"She's really scared," "Nightline" contributor Lisa Ling said of her sister in a recent ABC News interview. "I mean, she's terrified. My sister is a wife, with a medical condition. And Euna Lee is the mother of a 4-year-old girl, who has been without her mother for almost three months."
Perhaps if President Obama had had the guts to shoot down the first North Korean missile launched a few months ago or if he had come out more forcefully two weeks ago when Kim detonated a nuke then shot missiles off out of spite we'd be in a better bargaining position. Instead, he wrung his hands and effectively said nothing of consequence.

Instead, he has been traipsing around Europe seeking adulation while the thugs and bad guys of the world chuckle and continue on with their vile plans. We've no leg to stand on and no way to apply pressure short of parking the USS Reagan and USS Carl Vinson off the coast and readying of troops at the 38th parallel for battle.

Funny Kim never tried this while Bush was in office and waited for The One to show his disdain for America.

1 comment:

Evilwest1939 said...

The sad fact is the left don't care about this problem. They're to busy with this love affair with the Obama white house. The fact that Obama is so weak in foriegn policy and dealing with his own party is what the left wants. A weak president to ether push around, like Jimmy Carter, or one who's never around to bother them. In Obama they have both. He's still running for office. For a president to not spend at least one whole month in DC in his first six months in office is not governing. It's avoiding responsiblity. We're going to pay for this sooner rather than later.