Monday, June 08, 2009

Public Won't Buy From Government Motors

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A large majority of GM owners say that no, they would not be interested in buying a GM vehicle in the future:

Only 42% of those who currently own a General Motors car are even somewhat likely to buy a GM product for their next car. That figure includes just 30% who are Very Likely to do so.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 43% of current GM owners are not likely to buy another GM car, while 16% are not sure.

Democrats who own GM cars are somewhat more likely than others to buy their next car from GM.

i was discussing this with someone the other day and said the exact same. I would buy a Ford since they've not gone into bankruptcy but never a GM. I'm not sure if it's the fact that the union that sank them was handed a gift of ownership or the fact that those who invested were given the finger that bothers me so bad but both do.

No thanks, if the quality was suspect before, it's going to be atrocious now and the unions will get a good idea of just how bad things are for those of us who don't have the government to bail us out. They took our money and acted smug about it so now they'll understand that socialism is a cancer and they were the reason it was foisted on us.

I'm kind of mixed on this as GM is the test case for Obamanomics and he won't let it fail. He'll pour more money into the black hole and we'll be paying for it for decades. Even so, I'm not buying from Obama Motors.

Hat tip: Hot Air who also brings us the stunning news that more people trust the GOP with the economy than BHO.

Update: SCOTUS stays sale of Chrysler.

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