Friday, May 22, 2009

Stop the Insanity! Obama to Apologize to Germans for WWII?

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The America Sucks tour continues unabated with The One apparently set to apologize to Germany for a "war crime" committed by the Allies:

But when one considers just where exactly in Germany Obama is headed, then the significance of the visit becomes more clear. There is some talk of Obama visiting the Buchenwald concentration camp outside Weimar, in whose liberation Obama’s great uncle Charlie Payne is famously supposed to have taken part. But the Buchenwald visit appears not to be the main event and indeed it can be presumed to have been included in discussions as something of an alibi.

The latest German reports suggest Obama’s principal German destination will be Dresden. According to an article in the local paper Die Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, representatives of the German and American governments met in Dresden last Wednesday to discuss preparations for the visit. An American security detail is reported to have already scoped out sites in the city: presumably for a public speech.

The symbolic significance of a visit to Dresden by the American president — especially one undertaken in connection with a D-Day commemoration in France — may be missed by some Americans, but it is absolutely unmistakable for the German public. For Germans, Dresden is the symbol bar none of German suffering at the hands of the Allies. The city was heavily bombed by British and American air forces in February 1945, toward the end of the war. According to the most recent estimates of professional historians, anywhere from 18,000 to at most 25,000 persons died in the attacks. These numbers come from a historical commission established by the city of Dresden itself. But far higher numbers — ranging into the hundreds of thousands — have long circulated in Germany and beyond. The bombing of Dresden is commonly described as a “war crime” in German discussions.
Once again, Obama is displaying his lack of experience and the incompetence of his foreign policy team. Just as when he bowed to the leader of Saudi Arabia (and subsequent lame excuses) was a clear sign to the Arab world that we are not as powerful under Obama as we once were; this is a sign to Europeans that we are now no longer exceptional either. We are saying, in essence, that taking offensive action in a nation that invaded numerous sovereign countries, killed millions in planned exterminations and started a war that killed millions more was wrong and we are sorry for it.

Well I'm not. My heritage is German and I still have relatives over there but our actions were warranted, justified and in my mind stopped short of what they could have been. We needed to knock out their industrial complex and to not saturation bomb would have been the real crime.

Tomorrow I'll bring you the news of Obama apologizing to the relatives of Saddam Hussein for being rough when they pulled him out of that rat hole he cowered in.

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