Saturday, April 11, 2009

Saturday Morning News & Notes

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I hope you all have a good holiday. Whether it be finding the matzoh or eating the ears off a chocolate bunny or peep, enjoy.

Here's what's news:

-A documentary that rebuts Al Gore is about to be released. Let's push for wide-spread acclaim. Meanwhile, in spite of those pesky facts, the WaPo continues to beat the global warming drum.

-Last week Obama embarrassed the entire nation by bowing to Saudi King Abdullah. Today, the White House apologist's at Time say it wasn't a big deal. Time is quickly surpassing the NY Times as the ultimate suck-ups to the administration.

-A huge carbon footprint for pizza:

When you're the president of the United States, only the best pizza will do - even if that means flying a chef 860 miles.
Chris Sommers, 33, jetted into Washington from St Louis, Missouri, on Thursday with a suitcase of dough, cheese and pans to to prepare food for the Obamas and their staff.

He had apparently been handpicked after the President had tasted his pizzas on the campaign trail last autumn.
-Stanley Crouch takes on Mos Def and severely eviscerates him.

Update: Glenn Reynolds has a great idea.

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