Thursday, April 09, 2009

Saddam Was Shown South Park Movie Allegedly

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According to the creators of South Park, Saddam Hussein was forced to watch South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut repeatedly:

During his captivity, US marines forced Saddam, who was executed in 2006, to repeatedly watch the move South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut, which shows him as gay, as well as the boyfriend of Satan. He was also regularly depicted in a similar manner during the TV series.

...Stone, 37, said both he and Parker, 39, were most proud of the signed Saddam photo, given to them by the US Army's 4th Infantry Division.

He said: "We're very proud of our signed Saddam picture and what it means. Its one of our biggest highlights.

"I have it on pretty good information from the marines on detail in Iraq that they showed Saddam the movie.
Now that is awesome.

Here's the Saddam/Satan scene from the movie. I warn you that the content is rough.

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