It's all coming clear now. President Obama truly believe what his wife once said about not being proud of America until now. Liberals scoffed at us when we defended this nation as one of opportunity, freedom and hope versus the idea that America as was a nation that had a great many things to apologize for as espoused by Michelle Obama.
Case in point:
PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad and Tobago -- President Obama endured a 50-minute diatribe from socialist Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega that lashed out at a century of what he called terroristic U.S. aggression in Central America and included a rambling denunciation of the U.S.-imposed isolation of Cuba's Communist government.And so you have it. A thug socialist leader of a nation that is so poor the citizens leave in droves and trek thousands of miles to sneak into America is telling us that we are terrorists. Nicaragua is a nation that uses torture and violence to sway elections and they are belittling us? Obama sits there and takes it and then doesn't even speak to rebut the slander. Why? Because he agrees with it. America is evil--or was until January 20th of this year.
Obama sat mostly unmoved during the speech but at times jotted notes. The speech was part of the opening ceremonies at the fifth Summit of the Americas here.
Later, at a photo opportunity with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Obama held his tongue when asked what he thought about Ortega's speech.
...A senior administration official declined to criticize Ortega, saying the president wanted to focus on the future.
Obama is on a tour that has taken him from Europe to the Caribbean with the only goal to apologize for America's supposed past misdeeds. The 2009 America Sucks tour is in full-swing and Obama is the star of the show (along with his teleprompter) disparaging a country that allowed him--the son of an African immigrant--to attend an Ivy League university, make millions of dollars and rise to become its most powerful politician.
The shining city upon a hill has always been a ghetto according to Obama and the world is eating it up. They like America as a blubbering, feminized wimp. They are licking their chops to take us down as many pegs as possible and Obama is helping them to do so.
Hope and change my ass.
Update: I neglected to post this earlier:

That picture says more than I ever could. A socialist dictator who has fomented terror who has wished nothing but ill-will to our nation is enjoying a nice moment with the new prez. I want to friggin' puke.
Update: Gateway Pundit (with a spiffy new look) has some thoughts and notes that Obama did "mildly rebuke" Ortega. If someone slams my country the way Ortega did, they'd receive more than a mild rebuke.
there you have it - a hysterical pundit writing a diatribe against a U.S. President for practicing responsible diplomacy. Face it, the American people had a clear choice after 8 yeaars of complete Republican control of the Presidency, the congress, and the press. The response was a crushing defeat for the people who believe the sludge written here.
Obama is a nut job! The only reason he won was because Bush didn't want to deal with anyone and people were tired of it, but to buddy up to Chavez is like befriending the devil.
He is pushing this Cap and Trade on his country when other countries are free to do things as they wish. Meaning that their companies will not be penalized for anything. Our companies wont be able to compete and more people will lose jobs. Why not require people to plant more trees. Reason for global warming isn't as much about pollution is as it is deforestation. Think about it as we deforest to build more homes we allow more of the earth to be exposed to the sun. This will bring the temperature of the earth up. When we lose more jobs, because of his policy the next election will cause the Democrats to lose the house and senate.
It is very clear that "Anonymous" hasn't a clue as to what he/she is talking about. Has this person been to Nicaragua? I doubt it. Had this person been to the country he would have found brave souls willing to speak the their truths as to what the Sandinistas did to their own countrymen, forced conscription, threats to family in the face of any resistance to being hauled out of grammar school and sent to the front lines,etc.Anyone who defends Ortega and the rest of these criminals hasn't done their research or turns a blind eye to genuine dictators in favor of "any means to any end". Get a grip, Anonymous. Better yet get your self up and go to Nicaragua, ask around - and if the security types take their eyes off you for a moment you might learn something about how America is really viewed in that country. You will be amazed assuming you are truly willing to listen, which I doubt
It is opinions pieces like this that make me utter amazed at some of the people in this country. Instead of closing off relations with countries who dislike our policies, you would rather us ignore them completely further deteriorating or position with them.
I understand this is a REPUBLICAN blog, but try and write with some objectivity. Your constant slanders against a RESPONSIBLE president are tiresome.
Hey Shoreliner, if you don't like it, don't read it.
You said:
"It is opinions pieces like this that make me utter (sic) amazed at some of the people in this country."
This is a blog dude, blogs are opinions writ large. Maybe you haven't been clued into that as yet.
"Instead of closing off relations with countries who dislike our policies, you would rather us ignore them completely further deteriorating or (sic) position with them."
I for one could care less about our "deteriorating position" with Chavez or Ortega. They need us more than we need them, plus, Chavez insulted Bush and wheteher or not you liked Bush, he was the president and those on the left went crazy laughing at him. If another leader insulted Obama, I'd defend him because i may not like him but respect the office.
If you can handle some sense, feel free to come back. If not, it's probably not the blog for you.
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