Saturday, March 07, 2009

Obama Too "Overwhelmed" To Show Proper Respect to our Greatest Ally

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As most of us on the right have been saying for the last two years; Obama is not ready for prime time:

Sources close to the White House say Mr Obama and his staff have been "overwhelmed" by the economic meltdown and have voiced concerns that the new president is not getting enough rest.

British officials, meanwhile, admit that the White House and US State Department staff were utterly bemused by complaints that the Prime Minister should have been granted full-blown press conference and a formal dinner, as has been customary. They concede that Obama aides seemed unfamiliar with the expectations that surround a major visit by a British prime minister.
What a shameful excuse. What's next, serving pork chops when the Saudi ambassador comes for dinner? Er, sorry, he would never slight the Muslims.

What an embarrassment and a slap in the face to our most reliable ally (arguably I'd say Australia is close). The Obama administration folks didn't know that it was customary to allow a formal dinner and a press conference? I suppose Rahm Emanuel was too busy building the Clinton's hit list to pay attention to the minutiae and such. I mean, who would have thought that we should show immense respect to a nation that has stood by us in the best and worst of times over the last century?

So we have the new president admitting he is in way over his head and can't handle the daily rigors of his office. I can't wait for him to meet with Assad. With the foreign policy weeks he has had: groveling to Medvedev while simultaneously making us a laughingstock in Russia and Iran while now this outrage. It's tough to be an American and not be embarrassed at this point. The Brits are laughing at us as is most of Europe. Obama has definitely changed world opinion about us on then Continent...for the worse.

The worst of this is that he threw Poland and the Czech Republic under the bus kissing up to Russia. They also are friends and pretty soon our cherished allies will wonder whether they can trust us or not, I don't blame them, honestly.

Exit thought: Putin is gearing up to regain his hegemony in Eastern Europe and this probably gave him extra incentive to do it before we wake up and elect an adult who will fashion a qualified administration.

Exit question: What would the response have been if George W. Bush had done the same thing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If W had done the same thing, it would be front page, lead story lambasting! What does that us? I think it tells us that the mainstream media is heavily slanted toward the Left.