Sunday, March 08, 2009

The Continuing Jihad Against Rush Limbaugh

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The nightmare first month and a half of the Obama administration is over and we've seen an omen of things yet to come. Reckless spending on a scale never seen before? Check. Alienating our valued allies Poland the Czechs and Britain? Check. Breaking lies on troops withdrawal from Iraq, closing Gitmo and rendition? Check. Attacking a radio talk show host who is a private citizen with the full force of the US government? Check.

Now I expected BHO to spend incessantly, make one foreign policy faux pas after another and back away from any inane pledges he made with regard to Iraq and the greater war on terror but I never thought I'd see the day that a sitting president neck-deep in scandal and by his own admission "overwhelmed" go on such as un-presidential attack against a man who is just exercising his 1st Amendment right to free speech. yes, Clinton did attack Rush after the Oklahoma City bombing but not to the extent we're seeing now with coordinated broadsides hitting the USS Rushbo daily. All to distract the populace from the horrid start Nobama is experiencing.

Even the Dems are not able to control their criticism.

More on this at Red State.

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