Monday, March 02, 2009

Morons Highlight Global Warming in a Blizzard

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The Gore Effect strikes again. The Mid-Atlantic states have had a mostly snow-free winter with only one storm with accumulations greater than an inch. That changed today as we have a good old fashioned storm raging as we speak. I'm guessing about seven inches with more to come.

These morons planned the wrong day to highlight the greatest non-issue in a generation:

Make history March 2, 2009 in Washington, D.C.
Be part of the largest mass civil disobedience for the climate in U.S. history.

You know there is a climate crisis. You know we have to solve it. It’s time to take our action to the next level.

With a new administration and a new Congress, we have a window of opportunity. But we have to open it — together.

On March 2, join thousands of people in a multi-generational act of civil disobedience at the Capitol Power Plant — a plant that powers Congress with dirty energy and symbolizes a past that cannot be our future. Let’s use this as a rallying cry for a clean energy economy that will protect the health of our families, our climate, and our future.
Hey, y'all have fun trying to get their through half a foot of nice global warming. Please also enjoy your non-violent protests while slipping and sliding all over the sidewalk, it should be fun.

BTW, here's a list of sponsors for this circle jerk. Now you know who not to support.

Update: GP has more.

Update: Tom Nelson watches these morons so you don't have to. Check out the clever chants from these Einstein's.

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