Monday, March 02, 2009

Biden Claims Stimulus $ Reopens Factory

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Of course, most of what Biden says is either wrong, a lie or plagiarized so take it for what it's worth:

Just weeks after the economic stimulus package spent billions on what the administration hoped would be massive job gains, Vice President Joe Biden Sunday hailed the re-opening of a Chicago factory as early evidence the stimulus plan is working.

In a statement released by the White House today, Biden commended owners of Republic Windows and Doors, a Chicago company that had closed down late last year, for re-opening the plant and rehiring 250 employees.

Can anyone tell me what new construction project has been awarded that would allow the plant to make and sell any volume of windows? If they were following pay-to-play rules, the contracts would have to be bid openly and probably haven't even been awarded as yet. So either the plant is violating the rules on winning bids or Biden is full of shit. My guess is the latter.

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