Monday, March 09, 2009

Monday Afternoon News and Notes

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Spring has sprung in South Jersey.

Here's what's new in the world:

-Warren Buffett, the man who single-handedly assured the world that Obama was not in fact a crazed liberal who would send our economy into decline and destroy the market economy has now realized that Obama is in fact a crazed liberal who would send our economy into decline and destroy the market economy. More buyer's remorse from former BHO supporters.

-6,547, down 1.2%. Yeah, the markets are really happy with the Obama plan to save our nation.

-Are the Northern Ireland "troubles" are heating up again?

-Shocka! The government is gaining jobs while every other sector is hemorrhaging them.

-Finally some one said it. Van Morrison said the Beatles were "overstated" and "peripheral". I agree. i think the Stones, Kinks, Morrison himself and The Who along with Zeppelin were better musicians, more talented musically and had more impact on music than did the Beatles.

-No wax on, no wax off please: Will Smith remaking The Karate Kid. Some movies should just be allowed to die. Still, I wonder who will play Mr. Miyagi? There can be no replacing the late Pat Morita or as I prefer to call him: Arnold.

-Rush says he hopes Obama will fail because he doesn't want to see a socialist America and the left, the media (but I'm redundant) and Obama go nuts. Liberals said they wanted America to fail because they just plain hate America and no one said anything about them.

Update: Another example of Dems pissing on their constituents. A Chicago Alderman physically removes a citizen while screaming "get the fuck out of my office!". This is the people Obama coddled and worked with:

Michelle Malkin has some contact info should you wish to contact Alderman Munoz and explain the eror of his ways or maybe tell him to "get the fuck out of the people's office!".

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