Sunday, March 08, 2009

Dem Judges Sentenced in Horrific Case

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Two judges in Luzerne County, PA were recently convicted and sentenced for a kick-back scheme in which they sent young kids to a children's prison camp for even the most minor of violations. They then received a payment from the operator of the camp.

the Inquirer has the goods:

In what authorities are calling one of the worst judicial scandals in Pennsylvania history, Ciavarella and another Luzerne County judge, Michael T. Conahan, pleaded guilty last month to sentencing youths - Charlie among them - to secure detention facilities from which they received $2.6 million in kickbacks.

After their guilty pleas, the Juvenile Law Center in Philadelphia filed a civil lawsuit on behalf of 70 families, including the Balasavages, alleging that Ciavarella and Conahan violated the rights of young offenders in ways that went beyond the kickback scheme.
What they don't tell you is that the judges were prominent Democrats:

The appointment sparked a heated rivalry between Musto and Conahan and led to a brutal primary campaign, which included mutual charges of nepotism and campaign finance violations.

Conahan accused Democratic Party leaders of attempting to “strong arm” him out of the race, suggested he acquiesce to Musto and wait until 1995 to run for the seat that was being vacated by the retiring Judge Gifford S. Cappellini — a position that eventually went to Ciavarella.
Emphasis mine.

Now take a sec to imagine if it had been GOP judges who pissed on the Constitutional rights of children all for greed. It would have been plastered all over every newspaper in America.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is amazing what gets attention and what doesn't. Iowa is no exception to problems. I was involved in a civil lawsuit involving a longtime friend of then sitting Governor Vilsack. Vilsack had appointed the Judge. Governor Vilsack inappropriately intervened as a sitting Governor. The results were predictable. Dam the law, corporation documents, common sense and the Uniform Business Code. It never made the the paper. I had to write a book to get the story out.

Dixie Burkhart
Facts Don't Matter