Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ignorance is Not an Excuse, Obama

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Let's say when the economic crisis broke, the leaders of Countrywide and AIG came out and said that a division of their company knew what was happening but they didn't alert management and that resulted in the meltdowns of the companies. What would the Democrats have said? I suspect it would have been feigned disbelief and endless cries of "mismanagement" or even accusations of outright lying directed at the CEO's of those companies.

Now we hear that the Treasury Dept. knew all about the AIG bonuses and failed to inform their boss or the President but since they're Dems, it was an oversight:

Federal Reserve officials knew for months about bonuses at American International Group but failed to tell the Obama administration, according to government and company officials, exposing problems in a relationship that is vital to addressing the financial crisis.

As pressure mounted on AIG employees to return the bonuses, new details emerged yesterday about what the Fed, the Treasury Department and the White House knew regarding the payments and when. AIG executives said the Fed was informed three months ago by the company that it would pay $165 million by March 15 to employees working at its most troubled division. The Treasury and White House said they learned of the payments from Fed officials only days before they were due.
You're kidding me, right? There's no way in hell that Geithner didn't know prior to March 10th and if that's the case, he should be fired for running an unbelievably inept organization full of scheming or idiotic people.

But the ultimate blame lies with Obama, he's the top man and if he had a management style even remotely effective, he'd have known months ago. The chain of command works boths ways as anyone who ever served in the military or run a business knows, Obama has not been a part of either and this incident just magnifies his incompetence. We on the right have been warning for a year that Obama was as unqualified a candidate as has ever run for president and he proves us right every damn day, unfortunately.

Someone is lying here and either way you look at it, it doesn't bode well for us as a nation over the next few years. Either Geithner's department is so mismanaged that they didn't alert their boss that a PR hurricane was brewing or they did tell him and he's flat out fibbing. Obama's choice and the so called "only man that can do this job" found out on the tenth and didn't tell Obama until two days later? I'm really supposed to believe that?

Any way you look at it, there's some serious problems at the White House and Treasury and they are the ones who are supposed to be watching our misspent tax dollars. Firing the tax cheat Geithner seems like it would be a good start and then fire anyone who knew about the bonuses three months ago and failed to alert him. Then investigate exactly when Obama and especially Sen Dodd knew about the bonuses as well.

To be honest, I don't think any of this is true and the WaPo is just giving Obama cover. I guess when it comes to looking like either a bad manager, stupid or a liar, bad manager will win out everytime.

1 comment:

Michael Ryan said...

The bill that passed the House today to tax the bonuses at 90% is kind of scary don't you think? Not just in an "ex post facto" or "bill of attainder" sense. Dudes, the people you are about to stiff still work at AIG. After this their reason for not purposely doing what they can to send the world into a depression is what?